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Parkinson's Disease: Medication-Free Ways to Improve Quality of Life

Updated: Oct 13, 2023

A senior man smiling.

Within the past years, holistic and naturopathic medicine have become extremely popular in the U.S for several good and reputable reasons. This alternate approach to healthy living consists of seeing the body as a whole, discovering the root cause and building up from there to reach the ultimate goal of healing. This natural approach may not always or completely cure one of a disease but can help them handle the symptoms better and live life with less pain and more motivation and energy.

History of Holistic Medicine

The origins of holistic wellness date back nearly 5,000 years ago to ancient healers in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda (traditional Indian medicine) – far before modern medicine was discovered and established. Holistic doctors believe that to heal a person's ailments, you must not only focus on the illness at hand but the whole body, emotional wellness and current living environment and lifestyle. Doctors who practice holistic healing will focus on establishing a regime of supplements, vitamins and minerals plus physical activities and suggest ways to relieve stress that has built up in the body.

Tip: Stress is the body's worst enemy.

Discussed here are a few methods older adults diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease can incorporate into their routine that can help relieve pain associated with the disease and also relieve and delay many of the other negative symptoms:

Nutritional Supplements

There are several natural nutritional supplements available on the market that may be able to help reduce the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, these are:

Vitamin C: A small study involving 2 people showed the potential benefits that Vitamin C has for older adults dealing with Parkinson’s disease. It showed this particular deficiency could be correlated with Parkinson’s disease. The two participants upped their Vitamin C dosage and reported an improvement in symptoms.

Vitamin E: In a 2019 study done on 200 people, it was shown that vitamin E can help people with Parkinson’s disease by improving cognitive performance.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Studies have shown that these specific fatty acids may prevent inflammation, support neuron growth and health, reduce the production of oxidant species and help the body process calcium. It is thought Omega-3 fatty acid can help improve motor function in seniors diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.

Vitamin D: People diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease are at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency than the general population. It is also thought that vitamin D deficiency may have a connection to the progression and severity of the disease.

B Vitamins: Some studies have observed people with Parkinson’s disease may have low levels of certain B vitamins such as B6 and B12 due to some medications they were taking as a result of their Parkinson’s diagnosis.

Coenzyme Q-10: A suggested supplement for adults with Parkinson’s disease is Co-Q10. It may help slow the development of the disease by 44% but it has not been fully proven.

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, but is provided for educational and informational purposes only.

Tai Chi

This traditional Chinese martial art practice, also known as shadow boxing, is a great way to enhance range of motion, balance, and strength while also reducing pain, stress, anxiety and enhancing mindfulness. It is a great low-impact and gentle sport that has been studied and shown to benefit older adults with Parkinson’s disease.


The practice of yoga can help improve mobility, flexibility, balance and strength. Especially if the yoga routine has been adapted to fit the needs of the older adult’s movement disorder, such as Parkinson’s, it can be extremely beneficial.

Massage Therapy

Although it hasn’t been studied thoroughly, massage therapy has had a noticeable effect of reducing tremors in older adult’s that have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Unfortunately, this non-pharmaceutical way is not permanent but can aid in relieving muscle tension for a noticeable period of time.


Acupuncture is the practice of using specially designed needles and placing them on different parts of the body to help stimulate points along the body’s meridian, or energy pathways, which can help alleviate pain, among other great benefits. This technique has been used to help treat Parkinson’s disease in many countries, including China.

Non-contact Boxing

The Parkinson’s Foundation recommends engaging in several types of exercise to help manage the symptoms of neurological diseases, including aerobic exercise, stretching and strength training. Non-contact boxing combines all of those recommended exercises into one workout and studies have shown that the incidence of symptoms, such as falling, was reduced in those who participated in the studies.

Parkinson’s disease isn’t an easy disease to live with but there are several ways you can help alleviate the stress and pain associated with this life-altering disease. The examples discussed in this article are just a few ways to deal with the disease that don’t involve taking medication. Check out local senior centers in your area to find out what classes may be given, such as yoga, tai chi or non-contact boxing. If you are interested in learning more about supplements or trying acupuncture, visit a local holistic doctor. Living with Parkinson’s disease doesn’t have to be done solely with medication. As you learned in this article, incorporating a healthy low-impact sport into your routine or trying traditional ways to ease muscle pain can help promote a better quality of life in older adults battling Parkinson's.


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